Who can I talk to?

If you need help outside of office hours call 833.359.2220.

十大娱乐彩票平台 Counseling Offices: Call 816.604.1000 and ask to be transferred to the counseling office of the campus you attend.


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Blue River 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Longview 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Maple Woods 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Penn Valley 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Evening appointments after normal office hours are available upon request. Please contact a Counseling Services office at 816.604.1000 for counselor availability.

十大娱乐彩票平台-Blue River

Burke Maxted, Lead Counselor
Education Center 115C

Burke is a Kansas City native.  He graduated with a B.A. in Speech Communications from UMKC, and an M.S. in Counseling from the University of Central Missouri.  He 在圣达菲社区工作期间获得了执照专业咨询师(LPC) College in New Mexico.  He has 25 years of community college counseling experience.

他的咨询方法侧重于创造一个支持性和移情的环境 帮助学生讨论和应对生活的转变、困难的情绪、压力、 and mental health issues.  He works collaboratively with each individual to build 根据他们不同的个人优势和资源,找到策略和技巧 that work for them, and to identify empowering social and community networks.

在业余时间,伯克练习瑜伽,学习西班牙语,喜欢徒步旅行, kayaking, golfing, and time with family. 

Connie Spies, Part-time Counselor
Education Center 115D

Connie joined 十大娱乐彩票平台 as a part-time counselor in fall 2021. Before 十大娱乐彩票平台-Longview, she had 20 years of postsecondary and career counseling experience. She holds a Bachelor 密苏里西部州立大学心理学/刑事司法理学学位 and a Master's in Counseling from the University of Wisconsin.

康妮喜欢帮助学生做职业决策,学术问题(学习) 技能,压力管理,时间管理,考试焦虑)和个人问题. 作为第一代大学生,她意识到许多学生需要 帮助理解从基本的大学术语到理解的一切 the college process to knowing how to seek out the appropriate resources.

She is dedicated to helping students overcome barriers and achieve success.


Sara Blount, Counselor
Campus Center, Room 251A

萨拉于2008年获得心理学学士学位,并获得心理学硕士学位 Mental Health Counseling in 2012 from Missouri State University. She obtained her 持有执照的专业顾问(LPC),同时为密苏里州的部门工作 of Vocational Rehabilitation as a Counselor in 2015. She joined 十大娱乐彩票平台 in 2015, serving 担任十大娱乐彩票平台-Maple Woods, Blue River and Business的残疾人支持服务协调员 & Technology.

萨拉的专业兴趣包括时间管理、焦虑管理和帮助他人 student adjust to college. She has assisted many students in learning to incorporate anxiety/stress management techniques into their everyday lives. Using technology, like smartphone apps, helps students maintain these techniques.

Her interests outside of work include:

  • Relaxing with family and friends
  • Reading
  • Watching the St. Louis Cardinals and St. Louis Blues
  • Enjoying the outdoors

Laci Roberts, Part-time Counselor
Campus Center, Room 251B

Laci is currently a part-time counselor on the 十大娱乐彩票平台-Longview campus. Laci graduated 并在广场中学担任学校辅导员 School in Park Hill School District and Fort Osage High School. Laci is a PLPC (Pre-licensed (专业顾问)在监督下,并努力获得她的正式执照 as LPC under the supervision of Emily Viet LPC Mo#2012032191.

作为一名学校辅导员,Laci帮助许多学生克服了学业障碍并取得了成功 academic success. She is excited to start her new role working with 十大娱乐彩票平台 - Longview 学生帮助他们消除生活中的障碍,使他们能够取得成功 means to them. She uses a solution focused, strengths-based approach to empower students to solve problems and overcome challenges using their strengths and resources.  

工作之余,Laci喜欢阅读,抱着她新收养的猫,看电视 Netflix and spending time with her family & friends.

十大娱乐彩票平台-Maple Woods

Jeff Wilt, Counselor
Administration Building, Room 102C

Jeff从事教育工作超过20年,曾在十大娱乐彩票平台担任顾问 since 2005. He grew up in North Carolina, where he received his Bachelor of Arts in 在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校接受教育并在北卡罗来纳大学格林斯博罗分校获得咨询硕士学位.

His passion is to assist students in achieving their dreams. His job is to help you overcome obstacles to be your best self and meet your goals. He is happy to assist you with personal, academic and/or career concerns. While each student is unique, he generally has a person-centered, solution-focused approach.

工作之余,他最关心的通常是女儿、社会正义和煎饼 in that order.

Clayton Robinson, Part-time Counselor
Administration Building, Room 102B

26年后,克莱顿以兼职辅导员的身份回到了十大娱乐彩票平台-Maple Woods校区 as a full-time counselor at 十大娱乐彩票平台.  He received his Master of Arts in Counseling from Webster University. He also holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Emporia State University and was a 4-year basketball student-athlete.

通过专业咨询,成功指导和倡导,克莱顿促进 personal and educational development. He finds it very rewarding assisting students 在识别个人担忧,发展优势和应对技能,克服 困难的生活环境,取得学业和个人的成功.

克莱顿的咨询兴趣包括心理健康、安全规划、悲伤和损失, 焦虑,时间管理,压力,动机,明智的头脑,和自我照顾/倡导.

Clayton believes everyone can change in a positive, meaningful way. He creates a warm, 安全、包容和支持的环境,帮助学生探索他们的目标, feelings, and behaviors.

当克莱顿离开校园时,他是一个忙碌的人,把时间花在钓鱼上, cycling, and exploring the great outdoors! I look forward to meeting you soon. Be well.

十大娱乐彩票平台-Penn Valley

Terry Stanley, Counselor
十大娱乐彩票平台-Penn Valley, Campus Center 228

Terry has worked in various student roles in higher education for ten years. He received 他在阿维拉大学获得咨询硕士学位,现在担任咨询师 at 十大娱乐彩票平台. 他在密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校获得学士学位 并从这种混合的角度来处理他的大部分咨询.

他的主要关注点和激情都集中在幸福和充满活力和满足感的生活上 life. To do this, he focuses on a holistic approach and addresses physical, mental, 情感和精神健康,以确保我们都能过上最好的生活.
特里选择在高等教育部门工作,因为他相信这是一个很好的地方 帮助人们实现他们的潜力,并为他提供一个锻造强大的机会 指导关系,将有助于支持学生追求自己的目标.

特里希望营造一个让所有学生都感到受欢迎、安全和友善的环境 not judged, no matter the circumstances.

特里是一个狂热的实践者正念活动,如太极,气功 and meditation in his free time. He loves to read on many different subjects, from philosophy to psychology to quantum physics. He is a huge fan of sci-fi books, films and television.

特里喜欢花时间与朋友和家人,他最喜欢的团体活动 是典型的以桌面游戏为中心的游戏吗. He is also a huge foodie; he loves to travel, explore, and generally experience new things.

Dawn Brady, Counselor
Campus Center, Room 227

道恩·布雷迪(Dawn Brady)自2011年以来一直在mc - penn Valley咨询团队工作,现在已经离职了 23 years of counseling experience. She chose to work in a college setting because 她喜欢与正在制定或“重新制定”计划的学生一起工作 and goals for the future.

道恩在各种问题上与学生合作经验丰富,比如自我发展, college success strategies, organization, and time management.

道恩还帮助那些有个人问题的学生,这些学生可能会干扰或 impact their performance in school. Dawn assists prospective and current students in reaching their potential.

Dawn has served in a counseling capacity since 1997. She is a licensed professional counselor. Her counseling approach is solution-focused and rationally based, focusing 关于思想,行为和情绪之间的相互作用以及它如何影响 individual.

道恩拥有密苏里西部州立大学的心理学学士学位 并获得西北密苏里州立大学咨询心理学硕士学位.

学生们报告说,Dawn让他们感到受欢迎、受尊重、被重视和真诚 concerned about students.

在唐恩的业余时间,她喜欢户外活动,旅行,与家人共度时光, friends and her dog and cat. Dawn reports that one of the best parts of the winter 天气季节(因为天气不冷)是看大学篮球!